Project Brownsville…Neck

Yeah! The final design of the neck of the Brownsville guitar has been finished today. The rough part being fitted to the its time for some more fine tuning. The whole project is an experiment with non „traditional“ tonewood. Body and neck are made out of Birch wood with oak for the fretboard. So far so good, but who knows, perhaps it will be another piece for the bonfire?:-) More information will come along the way.

By | 2017-03-01T07:11:44+00:00 Februar 25th, 2017|Gitarren, Instrumente|0 Comments

About the Author:

Born in Sweden, but living in Germany, into music (of course) and soccer. Currently listening to Sturgill Simpson and Jason Isbell. Building on the Brownsville guitar..... DIY!

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